The Malaysian Institute of Planners chartered objective is “ to promote the science and art of Town Planning for the benefit of the public…” It does this primarily by ensuring the existence of a body of professional planners with the appropriate knowledge, training and skills to promote the advancement of town planning in Malaysia since 1972.
The Malaysian Institute of Planners is a professional institute that is a membership-registered organization. Most of its members are fully qualified professional town planners, working as planning officers with various federal, state and local authorities, as town planning consultants, lecturers in universities or as planners for developers and various organisations with significant land banks.
MIP has since its inception champion and lead progress and change in planning practice, address issues of importance to the planning profession and the public interest and deliver relevant and contemporary benefits and services to its members.
The Institute provides the following core services to its members:
- Berita Perancang, a quarterly magazine that keeps members up-to-date on current planning issues and topics of interest,
- Planning Malaysia, a journal on new and innovative Planning Ideas, Thoughts and Knowledge.
- Planning Excellence Awards,
- Annual National Convention,
- Information on professional development and career opportunities.
- To establish and maintain a Register of members of the Institute comprising of qualified Professionals in the field of town planning
- To undertake research, programs and projects and assisting organizations and individuals, both locally and internationally in the science and technology of Town and Regional Planning
- To devise and impose standards of knowledge and skills for persons seeking membership of the Institute
- To draw up a guideline on the scale of professional charges to be binding on all works and projects undertaken
- To disseminate information pertaining to Town Planning and to publish such materials as may be appropriate
- To establish courses and undertake training programmes that are accredited, in the technology of Town and Regional Planning
- To assist and advise Government, local authorities, public or private bodies in the science of Town and Country Planning, in the best interest of the community
- To provide facilities for communication and interchange with other professional associations and educational and scientific bodies on matters relating to the practice of Asset Management
- To carry out any other activity incidental to its function and objectives